Thursday, August 21, 2014

To me reading is a device of learning. If you like to read, essentially you like to learn. I imagine it would be hard to read a book without learning something. Even if an author’s intention is not to teach, something will be learned. Such as characters, plots, settings, and other pieces of a book. People read for various reasons. Some read because they enjoy it, some read because they have too. Some read as an escape from the world around them. When I read, I zone out the things around me. I can read anywhere through anything. I am able to read while listening to music or having a conversation. When I get confused reading I try to read back over more specifically what I am confused about. If that doesn’t work I backtrack to somewhere I understand and re-read that section. it is sometimes hard to stay focused. I’ll zone out and my mind will wander to things I have connected to the reading. You know you are successful when the goal you have set is reached. As a reader, I have to think critically about what I am reading and connect it to other texts, ideas, myself, and the world.
To me writing is a way to share ideas. People use it to communicate their opinion on ideas, make their own ideas, or disprove ideas. We write in order to convey our ideas and feelings, as well as argue and support. When I write, I try to connect what I am writing about to something, whether that is me, other texts, or the world. When I get confused with writing I take a step back and see what I can add. When it comes to writing, I find it hard to get started with the piece. I would know I was successful if I feel like I correctly portrayed what I was trying to say. My role as a writer is to say what I feel like needs to be said. Writing is more than just putting down words. I need to be able to connect to what I'm writing. I need to ask questions about how I write and why I write that way.
To me thinking is a critical function of the human mind. The more you think, the more stimulation you give your brain, the better. We think because it is entirely necessary to think for you to live. We need an active brain. When I think I tend to zone out and focus on the subject at hand. When I get confused thinking I try to backtrack to what sparked the idea. Not much is hard when you really think about it. There really isn't a way to know that you are thinking successfully. My role as a thinker is to come up with new ideas and theories that would help me and the world. Without thinking, obviously we wouldn't get very far. It is our voice of reason, what separates us (or so we think) from animals.

1 comment:

  1. Sam- good work on reading, but make sure to answer all the questions on writing and thinking.

